
about BioGeometry®

Geo = Earth, Metry = measurement, Bio= life, Geometry = Earth measurement (as in land surveys). BioGeometry = measurement of the life energy of the earth (including all life systems within it).


BioGeometry® is a science founded by Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim, D.Sc. using the energy principle of shape to balance biological energy systems and harmonize their interaction with the environment. It is based on the great discovery of the special quality of energy found at the earth's power spots and its 3 specific components (named BG3= the One Harmonizing Subtle Energy Quality which is at the center of the natural forming process).

BioGeometry® has developed tools for measuring the qualities of energies and also the design principles to replicate and amplify this highly beneficial natural subtle energy quality.

BioGeometry® effectively harmonizes living environments affected by, nowadays, the big impact of electromagnetic fields and various geopathic stresses.

BioGeometry® special branch is BioGeometry signatures that help balance the subtle energy of body organs. BioGeometry also has many other tools and ways to help harmonize biological systems.

BioGeometry® Environmental Home Solutions (BG-EHS) has a holistic approach and recognizes that we have an energy connection with our environment that affects our quality of life and well-being.

BG-EHS services harmonize environments based on the principles of BioGeometry®.

BG-EHS services geometrically enhance home environments through calibrated installations of proprietary BioGeometry® devices -- specialized objects with unique combinations of forms, angles and numbers.

BG-EHS replicates and amplifies the beneficial energy quality of BG3 in order to harmonize environmental stress caused by electromagnetic, geopathic, materials and shape-caused disturbances from design and structure.

Specialized BioGeometry® shapes which are meticulously calibrated to amplify BG3 and harmonize the space.

BioGeometry® devices are relatively small: from approximately 2 cm diameter to 16 cm high x 2 cm wide.

 Made of clear acrylic, they blend into any home design or aesthetic. 

General location for the installation of BioGeometry® shapes is determined together with the Client. The BG-EHS practitioner identifies the exact placement within the selected general location and calibrates the device for optimized effect.

You can order the Home harmonizing kit and set it on your own following the instructions. The main part of the home harmonizing kit is the cube (which needs to be cleared every day). Further, the kit includes BG strip solutions for the electrical panel and water system and L90 stickers for wi-fi harmonization, wireless electrical appliances, and energy keys of the windows. With a general placement guide, the home kit will harmonize your home to a certain extent and is a good way of experiencing the first harmonization effects of BG3. 

Wearing personal balancing tools is helpful in many ways. It harmonizes personal space to some extent, and it creates a general layer of protection from harmful environmental imbalances. The personal balancing tools require daily clearing and must be worn at all times. 

You can start learning BioGeometry yourself and build the harmonization of your living space step by step as you progress.

link to courses

Practitioners use special BioGeometry advanced protocols and tools for space harmonization. In this way, depending on the level of service chosen, the space will be fully harmonized (the whole area of it) with at least one layer.The usual benefits that people report upon harmonization of their living space are:

enhanced immunity levels

feeling of relaxation 

less agitation

fewer conflicts at home

more restful sleep

increased energy level

feeling more centered

easier to meditate

improved focus and concentration

better tasting water

longer food shelf life

healthier plants

calmer pets

birds and other wildlife coming to the area

Different studies have been conducted (link), that prove the connection of sleeping in a harmful place and disease. It doesn't mean that such an impact is the only reason for the condition, but the negative influence is evident.

Resolving such an impact on the body frees our natural resources  for the healing processes.

Important Disclaimer:  The benefits of a BG3-harmonized environment may vary and are not guaranteed. BioGeometry® and BioGeometry® Environmental Home Solutions (BG-EHS) services and devices/tools have not been independently evaluated by the medical community, are not forms of medical diagnosis, treatment, or cure, and should under no circumstances replace or interfere with conventional medical diagnosis or treatment; they are not intended to prevent any disease or medical condition and are not substitutes for prudent medical care offered by a licensed medical professional.

to go deeper....

Back To a Future for Mankind: BioGeometry- By Dr. Ibrahim Karim

This first-ever published collection of writings by Dr. Ibrahim Karim reflects the holistic essence of his worldview. Dr Karim is the founder of the Science of BioGeometry in the early 1970s. BioGeometry is the science that uses shapes, colors, motion and sound to induce harmony into the subtle energy qualities of the environment. At the core of this harmony is a subtle energy quality found in the transcendental centers of the forming process of nature and is the main quality in sacred power spots of humanity that give a spiritual dimension to the timeless monuments erected since the dawn of humanity. With his experience as an architect and a scientist Dr. Karim has synergized aspects of Pythagorean Harmonics, Subtle energy sciences, Radiesthesia, Geobiology, Building Biology, Sacred Architecture & modern wave theories to produce a new Physics of Quality from which the science of BioGeometry emerged. *BioGeometry bridges science and spirituality to produce a natural harmony into the environment. *

BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body's Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment

Based on over 45 years of research, BioGeometry Signatures are linear diagrams that help balance the subtle energy of body organs. The organ's subtle energy patterns are accessed through BioGeometry Signatures placed externally in the body’s energy fields to create a connection through Resonance of Shape. In this book on BioGeometry Signatures, once again you see how powerful certain carefully created shapes can be in altering the physical functioning of organ systems, in supporting healing, and in changing physical and mental states. Work with them, let them touch you, and feel how they can assist you in your own search for harmony.” 

Hidden Reality: The BioGeometry Physics of Quality - Dr. Sc. Ibrahim Karim

The BioGeometry' Physics of Quality' creates a new scientific paradigm to lead humanity into the future. This is only possible through understanding the true nature of the background subtle energy medium as the highly energetic life force within the universal mind in which all creation manifests. This work presents new holistic concepts of pulsating time-space, producing the emotional, mental, radiation and attraction forces in creation.

BioGeometry offers a change of direction, with a 'practical' methodology, to create a prosperous future integrated into nature's own multi-dimensional design language that restores the lost Life force factor in architecture and design.

The environmental solutions of BioGeometry have been successfully applied in different fields, such as the reduction of electromagnetic stress, chemical-free animal farming and agriculture.